Readers, today's guest post is written by Elsie Brown at GundoMoney. Elsie is a student, blogger, and all around cheapskate (Edit: Elsie is a cheapskate, not a cheapstake. Who else loves getting used …
Managing the Cycle of Failure and Success
In the midst of studying for my state and national real estate license exam yesterday, I took a coffee break and ended up in my recliner with the Apple TV remote in hand. It was mid-morning, and Mrs. …
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Lessons From Superhero Dad
The last week has been a whirlwind in the Superhero household, to put it lightly. Between trips to the hospital to visit with Superhero Grandma (who is now doing very well, thankfully) and celebrating …
Whining Is Easier Than Winning
Two weeks ago, I channeled my inner Cesar Millan and began training our newest four-legged friend, Coda, who joined our family on Easter. I stood at the top of the staircase and looked down at my …
The Staycation: A Cure For Burnout
One month ago, Mrs. Superhero and I were about to embark on a vacation to Nashville, Tennessee. We had our hotel room booked, dinner reservations were made, and our itinerary was packed, with plans to …