This post may contain affiliate links. FinanceSuperhero only recommends products we know and trust ourselves.
Financially-minded people – like me – spend a lot of investing in their finances, and with good reason; breaking away from the rat race requires daily diligence. But what use is good financial health if you lack good physical and mental health? Money is important, but it is only one piece of the pie. Even if you have one area under control, you can improve your health by taking steps to grow grow in all three areas.
Most financial experts attest to the value of also maintaining physical and mental health. Pete Adeney, better known as Mr. Money Mustache, swears by regular weight lifting and almost constant movement to maintain his physical health. Sam Dogen, the mastermind behind Financial Samurai, is a 5.0 rated tennis player. Even the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffett, though largely driven by data and logic, carefully monitors his rational self for any signs of irrationality. The three have different backgrounds and experiences, but they similarly demonstrate the importance of healthy balance – financially, physically, and mentally.
Improving your health doesn’t require an expensive gym, a psychiatrist, or an investment broker. These can be great places to start, but you can improve your health by taking conscious stops to cut bad habits, replace them with healthy practices, and make those changes a permanent part of a healthy lifestyle.
We all have to start somewhere; the key is to start now! These 9 tips will help you improve your health – financially, physically, and mentally – and live a happy life.
1. Drink lots of water
Did you know that the average human body is 65% water? Your body needs water, and drinking lots of it is the quickest way to improve your health.
I love coffee and an occasional soda, but nothing primes my mind, body, and soul like water. Dehydration occurs anytime you take in less water than you use, and performance suffers even due to mild-dehydration. On the flip side, proper hydration increases energy, aids in healthy weight loss, and reduces stress.
So pour yourself a glass and keep reading.
2. Start Running
Humans have been running since the beginning of creation. In a sense, we were born to run. Children instinctively know how to run and start running shortly after learning to walk. So why do people begin to see running as a chore as they age?
After a long day of teaching, showing houses, and writing, I look forward to running. It is the best medicine for clearing my mind, reducing stress, and thinking creatively. In fact, I have written many of the posts on this blog while out on a run.
All you need to get started with running is a decent pair of running shoes, headphones, and athletic shorts/shirts. Later, if you want to get fancy, you can use a FitBit or Garmin GPS watch to track statistics like mileage, heart rate, calories burned, and split times. I’ve used the Garmin 405 CX for five years and it still meets all of my needs; it has even survived -30 degree Fahrenheit temperatures, monsoon-like rains, and a few unfortunate falls on icy trails.
3. Eat Healthy Food
You’ve heard all the complaints about healthy eating.
- It’s too expensive to eat healthy food.
- Healthy food is boring!
- I can’t give up my (insert junk here). . .
Bad habits and good marketing have made sure that these ideas stick in our brains. Healthy food can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be that way. And if you know how to cook effectively and use basic spices, you can turn perform stove top miracles with only lean chicken, broccoli, and potatoes. Say goodbye to junk food cravings!
This year, my wife and I have completed one round of the Whole 30 diet. (Super fans have now thrown an apple through their computer screen, because Whole 30 isn’t a DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE!) We ate chicken, lean beef, pork, potatoes, eggs, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. I use even learned to drink black coffee like an adult. We lost weight, improved our moods and concentration, and saved money by staying away from restaurants.
Recently, we started using Zaycon Fresh, a program that has made our healthy eating efforts even easier and cheaper. Zaycon partners with local farmers to provide high-quality, farm-fresh food at prices which beat your local grocers. Their online ordering system is easy to use, and your local economy benefits because you are shopping locally.
When a local sale begins, Zaycon will send you an e-mail with all the details – this week they sent deals on bacon straight to my heart inbox! Because they focus on a select number of meats and eliminate middle men, we’ve saved a lot of money and still managed to eat well.
If you are a blogger and would like to join the Zaycon Fresh referral program, it is easy! It only takes a few minutes to get started.
4. Automate Your Financial Life
Most of friends are always stressed out about money. If you’ve ever been surprised by forgotten bills, late payment notices, or overdraft fees, you need to automate your finances as much as possible. I automate any payments which can be automated, from utilities and savings to my mortgage payment and investing.
My favorite automated savings tool is Digit. It is so effective that my wife and I were able to use our Digit savings to pay for a trip to Las Vegas last fall. The secure mobile app links with your checking account and uses sophisticated algorithms to help you save money only when you can afford it by moving funds to an external savings account. You can pause savings and transfer money back to your checking account at any time with quick text commands. Digit is FREE to use, currently pays bonuses every 3 months, and ensures that you save money each month. And if you refer a friend who signs up, you’ll receive a $5 bonus when they complete their first transfer!
If you’re looking to finally start investing for your future, you can automate that, too! Betterment is a sophisticated platform designed specifically for busy people who don’t have time to research individual stocks or mutual funds. Their advanced algorithms and Smart Rebalancing methods can help anyone develop a portfolio designed to meet their investment goals and minimize tax losses. You can open an IRA, taxable brokerage account, or even roller over an existing account and receive one month FREE if you deposit more than $10,000.
Perhaps you’ve already been saving and investing diligently for several years but have grown tired of managing and monitoring a variety of investments in your IRA, 401k, and taxable accounts. Personal Capital is a FREE tool that can help you monitor all of your investments in one place. If you need personalized guidance, they will even provide more affordable advice tailored to meet your personal goals.
Personal Capital is the only tool I trust to monitor all of my financial assets in one central location. Start your free account today!
5. Read Every Day
Did you know the average millionaire reads at least two non-fiction books per month? This statistic has remained my motivation to read daily and commit to my personal growth. At any given time, I have a stack of books on my nightstand, with topics ranging from leadership to entrepreneurship, money, running, and spiritual development. I know my ability to grow on my own is limited, but learning from others and emulating their success can lead to unlimited growth.
Daily reading stimulates healthy thought and ensures that you maintain an ability to look outside yourself. If you know the names of the last few people who were eliminated on reality TV but can’t name three ideas you’ve read and implemented this month, that needs to change if you want to improve your health.
6. Be Mindful During Mindless Activities
You probably spend several hours each week performing tedious, mindless tasks like laundry, dishes, yard work, and house cleaning. Are you using time to improve your health?
When I do laundry, dishes, and yard work, I often to podcasts. I used to dread these tasks but now find myself looking forward to them because I learn something new that I can apply to better myself.
My wife and I also have mastered efficient meal preparation. We prep for the entire week on Sunday afternoon after church. By working as a team and using Crock Pots for many meals, we are able to free up several hours during the work week. Our budget benefits as well because we aren’t making frequent runs out for fast meals out of convenience.
7. Adopt a Dog
There are countless dogs in your local community shelter just waiting to find their forever home and humans to love. My wife and I bought our two dogs because she is allergic to all but a few select breeds, otherwise we would have adopted dogs in need. Adoption is affordable and easy, and what you invest in vet bills and bags of dog food will be regained ten fold in improvements to your physical and mental health.
8. Practice Silence and Solitude
Silence and solitude seem counter-intuitive to people who aim for efficiency in everything, but they are crucial. The truth is that rest and relaxation help us to recharge.
Many people wear busyness as a badge of honor – you know the type I’m talking about. I find these people usually end up burned out and unhappy. A few of my close friends seem to be unable to rest unless they are on vacation. A planned getaway can be a great time to rest and see the world. But a staycation is often just what I need to recharge and avoid burnout – and it is financially smart.
I’ll be vulnerable for a moment – between teaching full time, my real estate business, and this blog, I appear to be the poster child for busyness. But I rarely feel stressed because I set boundaries to protect my mental and physical health; planned solitude keeps me revved up for whatever is next.
9. Limit TV Time
There is a strong correlation between success and low TV consumption, as countless studies show. Most of the time I am disciplined enough to limit TV time, and sometimes my subconscious lures me into watching three hours of Breaking Bad re-runs – yeah science!
Literally unplugging your TV is a simple way to improve your health. By making it a bit tougher to mindlessly run to Stars Hollow every time you feel stressed, you will begin to form better habits which help you to unwind, accomplish more, and keep moving. You can always plug in the TV later!
The best time to improve your health is NOW! You can put yourself on the path toward improving your physical, mental, and emotional health today if you’re willing to build even a single new habit. What are you waiting for?
It was my New Year’s resolution to exercise and meditate more regularly. I’ve definitely meditated more regularly and it’s been wonderful. Exercising–not so much. Yesterday I was down in the dumps and drowned my sorrows with mounds of chocolate and cake. I still didn’t feel better. I was bored so I went for a 30-minute workout on my elliptical. I felt refreshed, awake, and alive. It’s SO hard to convince my blubberbutt to get off the couch, but it really is the best medicine.
I’m glad to hear you felt better after the walk, Mrs. PP. It’s exactly the times that I feel least like exercising that I know my body needs it. I always feel better after a run than I do before pounding the pavement – no exceptions.
Great suggestions, Superhero! I almost feel a bit proud to say that I’m actively practicing all nine of your suggestions, like a kid in the first row of the classroom 😊 I run, and run, and run, because there’s just nothing easier. Just slip on a pair of running shoes and get out there and do it, and more often than not I find that I manage to clear my head while doing it. Recommend it to everyone, especially in nature and on trails for added zen and health benefits.
I think these are good tips. Healthy eating and daily exercise (I get mine via bike commuting to work) are an absolute must. However, I question #9. It seems common place that Americans who are smart must not watch TV, less they become mindless imbicies. I grew up with parents who generally did not limit my TV time. Because of this, I watched the news and public television, learned that the stock market existed and could event, and learned numerous geography and history lessons that I otherwise would not have been aware of.
I think TV is a great tool. Like any tool, it can be misused or even abused.
Thanks for your comment, FinancePatriot. I’m glad tips 1-8 resonated with you.
I think your comment illustrates that our perceptions of TV stem from our own personal experiences. TV seems to have been a positive part of your upbringing, which strikes me as unusual. I am sure my reaction stems from my own experiences watching too much TV as a kid. We often watched educational shows, but I also spent lots of time watching content that was purely entertaining.
As a tool, TV certainly could contribute to one’s financial, emotional, and/or physical health with the right amount of discipline in place.
Thanks for sharing your tips. I will follow them all. I am not sure I am ready to limit my TV time though.